Sunday, May 06, 2012

Without First Person Pronouns, Obama Would Be Struck Silent

Obama weak comparison to really great presidents.
“Look, self-absorption is part of the occupational hazard of politics, and it’s also part of the job description of being president,” Will said. “All that said, try to imagine Dwight Eisenhower talking about D-Day saying, ‘I did this. I decided this. I did this and then I did that.’ It’s inconceivable.”

That comparison between Obama and Eisenhower illustrated the problem for the president, Will said.

“If you struck from Barack Obama’s vocabulary the first-person singular pronoun, he would fall silent, which would be a mercy to us and a service to him, actually,” Will continued. “Because he was been so incontinent for the last three years that you wind up with, as you said, [an] Ohio State University with empty seats.”
Another president that George Will could have contrasted Obama with is Ronald Reagan. Reagan greeted every bit of good economic news by congratulating the American people for their hard work and resourcefulness.


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