Thursday, June 07, 2012

Egyptian Mobs Sexually Assulting Women

With impunity. Arab Spring!
Her screams were not drowned out by the clamor of the crazed mob of nearly 200 men around her. An endless number of hands reached toward the woman in the red shirt in an assault scene that lasted less than 15 minutes but felt more like an hour. 

She was pushed by the sea of men for about a block into a side street from Tahrir Square. Many of the men were trying to break up the frenzy, but it was impossible to tell who was helping and who was assaulting. Pushed against the wall, the unknown woman's head finally disappeared. Her screams grew fainter, then stopped. Her slender tall frame had clearly given way. She apparently had passed out. 

The helping hands finally splashed the attackers with bottles of water to chase them away. 
You can drive Egyptians away with water?


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