You Mean, They Haven't

Newsweek asks if journalists should reveal their political views.
Can anyone name one who has not?
On the other hand, could anyone take one look at this babe and not know her politics?
"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
How would you like to be a cartoon character? You’d be two-dimensional. You would only have a few colors in your world. But worst of all, you’d have a little balloon floating over your head that somebody else gets to fill with words that are supposedly yours. I think that would be humiliating, even for a cartoon character.
The public education system, right down to kindergarten teachers, is hardly a free speech zone. And one of the most egregious violations of free speech is the coerced speech of forced political contributions.
Or, Jacques Chirac, or most of the Democratic Party.
I, for one, could not remember anyone criticizing Bill Clinton for obsessing on Bin Laden. For that matter, I cannot remember Bill Clinton obsessing on Bin Laden.
A scientific study has found that fat guys are less fertile than fit guys.
ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe and all the rest of the mainstream media have provided us with a steady stream of nothing but negative news regarding the progress of the Iraq War.
I doubt that it leaves any traces, but can you imagine how awful it must have been growing up with Anna Nicole Smith as your mother?
The F-35 will eventually join the already operational F-22 Raptor, an equally stealthy air-supremacy fighter that currently is outperforming all comers.
Well, this last week proved once again that the defense of liberty cannot be entrusted to liberals. There was a certain cynicism in the mainstream media’s eagerness to promote the McCain-Finegold restrictions on freedom of political discourse. That legislation did not endanger them and in fact increased their power to manage information and debate. Free speech was curtailed, but only for thee. And the media rejoiced.
President Bush remembered the victims of 9/11 by respectfully keeping his silence.
In an incredibly self-indulgent editorial, the New York Times whines that we would be a better (read more liberal) country if we had the draft. The Times also whines that it was left out of the war on terror.
The New York Times likes it. Do you need to know anything else?
Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami says that human rights have not deteriorated under his successor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That's probably true. How much worse could things get?
I wonder why we can’t take war as seriously as football? A couple of months ago, I tuned into the Fox shout show, Hannity and Colmes. Alan Colmes, the program’s designated liberal, asked a thought-provoking question. I don’t have the precise quotation, but the essence was: When is it permissible to question a war? Colmes, of course believed that second-guessing the commander in chief was fair game anytime. And I suppose from a First Amendment standpoint, he was right.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to expunge free thought from Iran's universities.
It must be hell being a Democrat. Everyday, you get up in the morning hoping that somebody is more unhappy today than they were yesterday. And if you are not, then they will think up some way to convince you that you are you unhappy, so that they may exploit that unhappiness.
Kofi the Clown finally discovers something unpleasant in the Muslim world.
Kofi Annan tries his hand at stand up comedy. According to Kofi the Clown, Syria will help enforce the arms embargo against Hezbollah.
I could not help but notice how much less sensitive the media have become during this last month. For nearly 5 years now, the television networks have exhibited very little inclination to revisit their video of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. One of the explanations given was that the media were sensitive to the feelings of the survivors. It was still too soon. Memories were too fresh. Nerves were too raw.