When Soldiers Speak for Themselves
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"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Tortilla shortages.
Mexico is in the grip of the worst tortilla crisis in its modern history. Dramatically rising international corn prices, spurred by demand for the grain-based fuel ethanol, have led to expensive tortillas.
The old media has slashed more than 43,000 jobs in the last 6 years. And, it's getting worse.
U.S. media job cuts surged 88 percent in 2006 from the previous year, a downsizing trend expected to continue this year, a survey said Thursday.
The media industry slashed 17,809 jobs last year, a nearly two-fold increase from the 9,453 cuts in 2005, outplacement consultancy Challenger Gray & Christmas said.
World War II in Europe should have ended on March 7, 1936. On that day Adolph Hitler committed his most flagrant violation of the Treaty of Versailles to date. Since assuming the office of chancellor, Hitler made it his goal to transgress the treaty article by article. Against the advice of his officer corps, who argued correctly that the German army was far too feeble to defend the territory if challenged, Hitler ordered his army into the Rhine River Valley. He firmly believed that whatever superiority the French possessed in men and materiel would be cancelled by a deficiency in French courage.
And, apparently, that means that the UN will be more honest.
A representative speaking for Ban Ki-Moon announced Friday that in response to the allegations regarding North Korea and the UNDP, the secretary-general has called for "an urgent, systemwide and external inquiry into all activities done around the globe done by the U.N. funds and programs."
A few weeks ago in this corner, I asked the question: Who is Jamil Hussein? Here is a part of the answer. Between April and November of 2006, the Associated Press cited police captain Jamil Hussein as its sole source for 61 stories. In forty of those stories, the tales credited to Jamil Hussein were uncorroborated by any other news organization. On April 24, Captain Hussein told the Associated Press that 20 Iraqis had been killed by car bombs that day. On April 29, Hussein was quoted as saying that 6 dead Iraqis had been found who appeared to have been tortured. Three days later, according to Jamil Hussein, 3 more Iraqis were found in a similar condition. On May 14, six Shiite shrines were bombed and 18 Iraqis were killed.
And now we wrap up the annual Kozmo Awards, where we honor those special contributions to our nation’s history by those who believe they should direct it.
As is the custom of this column, we celebrate the New Year with a look back at the old. There exists in this country a largely self-anointed class of people who firmly believe that they are qualified to tell the rest of us what to think and how to live. They are in Hollywood, the halls of government and on the editorial boards of newspapers, among other places. These elitists so completely believe in themselves that they rarely hesitate to pontificate at us, even when they would be far better served by a closed mouth. As someone wiser than myself once advised, it is better to keep silence and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.