Thursday, March 07, 2002

Collective Guilt for Evil White, Male Heterosexuals

Collective Guilt for Evil White, Male Heterosexuals
There was something missing from the news last week. A Butte, Montana jury convicted Nathaniel Bar-Jonah of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a 14-year old boy. He was also convicted of assaulting another, 8-year old boy with a weapon. Bar-Jonah also stands accused of murder and of cannibalism in his hometown of Great Falls. Curiously, the stain of his guilt seemed not to spread to anyone else.
Nobody has yet pointed a finger at homosexuals and demanded that they all must repent and cleanse their hearts of his crimes. I’m reasonably confident that there will be no public service announcements on television advising homosexuals to examine their souls and straighten up their act. Democratic politicians will not raise the names of Bar-Jonah’s victims at their next national convention.
This stands in stark contrast to the treatment given heterosexuals a few years back after the murder of University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard. Even before his killers were convicted, all heterosexuals were found guilty for Shepard’s murder. His name was invoked constantly to remind heterosexuals that we are all responsible for his death.
Entering the name of Matthew Shepard on the Yahoo search engine yielded over 60,000 hits. Some of these websites go so far as to compare Shepard’s death to Christ’s crucifixion. Nearly all those sampled blamed his death on an intolerant, heterosexist society.
It’s worth noting that shortly after the Matthew Shepard affair, two homosexuals in Arkansas sexually tortured a young boy to death in their apartment. Shortly thereafter, on CSPAN, a caller asked a prominent journalist why the media treated that particular homosexual crime against a heterosexual so differently from Matthew Shepard’s murder. The great and powerful journalist casually dismissed the question by answering that homosexual crimes against heterosexuals are not a national issue and that is all there is to that.
I’d like to know who it is that decides just what is and what is not a national issue.
It’s not just heterosexuals who are held to a different standard. When pitcher John Rocker, who thought he was speaking in chummy confidence to a Sports Illustrated reporter, spoke some ill-chosen words about homosexuals and immigrants, he was pilloried. When basketball player Allen Iverson recorded a racist, sexist, gay bashing rap CD, he suffered essentially no consequences. He was not suspended or fined by the league. He still has his shoe contract. He is still a hot interview on ESPN and NBC Sports.
Can you imagine a play called, “The Penis Monologues,” where men parade onto the stage to discuss their private parts? Would it be tolerated by anyone? Would the same shrill crowd that demanded that a Catholic University permit “The Vagina Monologues” also stand up for the “Penis Monologues?”
Since September 11, 2001, deep thinker after deep thinker has trotted out to remind us that Islam is a religion of peace and that we Christians should not hold them all responsible for the evil deeds of a few. Interestingly, according to polls, this view is not held by a great many Muslims, who take a great deal of collective pride in the evil deeds committed by a few.
Pro-life activists are collectively at fault for the very few among them who commit violent acts. Pro-abortionists don’t even get blamed for the millions of unborn babies that get flushed down toilets every year.
Whenever there is a shooting, all gun owners, the gun manufacturing industry and the National Rifle Association gets blamed. But there is a much more direct line of responsibility between highway fatalities and fuel economy standards. And yet, Democrats and environmentalists are never blamed for that carnage. Every year approximately 1500 highway deaths can be attributed to the flimsy cars the manufacturers are forced to turn out if they are to comply with these standards. Not only do we eschew collective guilt here, even those who pass these laws escape accountability.
So far as I can determine, when it comes to collective guilt the worst people on earth are white, male, heterosexual, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, liberty loving Christians. And all they have in their favor is that they’ve built the freest, healthiest and most prosperous society in history. Damn them all.


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