How to Shut Your Opponents Up, by John McCain
How to Shut Your Opponents Up, by John McCain
Jacob Sullum, of Reason Magazine, has the best column yet on the just passed, ironically misnamed, Campaign Finance Reform law. He points out how the "reform" if not thrown out by the courts, would hamper the ability of ordinary citizens to organize against and criticize incumbent politicians.
It's also worth noting that if the strictures against "soft money" collections by the parties stand judicial review, and the restrictions against "special interest" participation are thrown out, the likely outcome will be an increase in the power of those special interests. Way to go John.
Once the courts are finished paring away the obviously unconstitutional aspects of it, the most likely effect of this disgusting law will be to increase the amount of hard money that federal politicians may raise. Good news for the Republicans, but still bad law.
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