Monday, April 08, 2002

Religion of Peace Update

Religion of Peace Update
Nat Hentoff, writing in the Washington Times, assembles quotes from a variety of sources that all ask the same question: Were there ever to be an independent Palestinian state, what form would it take? As Thomas Friedman states, "a state brought about by suicide bombers will forever be deformed."
Even former Peter Jennings' former girlfriend, Hanan Ashrawi, in a rare moment of honesty is quoted as condemning the attacks. "Why and when did we allow a few from our midst to interpret Israeli military attacks on innocent Palestinian lives as license to do the same to their civilians? When and why did our elected (Palestinian) legislative council become a political instrument for the few, or a self-negating powerless body for the many?"
She has been conspicuously absent from the world forum since.
Again, Thomas Friedman notes, suicide bombing "threatens all civilization because if suicide bombing is allowed to work in Israel, then like hijacking and airplane bombing, it will be copied and will eventually lead to a bomber strapped with a nuclear device threatening entire nations. That is why the whole world must see this Palestinian suicide strategy defeated."
This is why those pussies in Europe must be ignored. Civilization must not allow Yasser Arafat's strategy to succeed. Rome fell because it lost its resolve to defend its civilization. When the Gothic king Alaric laid siege to Rome, the Romans asked what they would get in return for opening their gates to his hoards.
"Your lives," was his answer. And it was enough. Rome allowed Alaric into their city and the foundational rot that had afflicted Rome finally caused its collapse. The Europeans, for all their snooty self-importance are too willing to surrender to the world's barbarians and are offended when others stand up for it. It's apparently up to The United States, Great Britain, Israel, and perhaps Afghanistan to defend it.


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