Friday, November 29, 2002

Andrew Sullivan nails it on Muslims vs. the Miss World Beauty Pagent

Okay, I find the Miss World pagent offensive too. There is no chance that I would ever see any of the women whom I find beautiful in such a pagent. First of all, they have too much dignity to parade in front of judges in swim suits. For that matter, they have too much dignity to subject their artistic talents or their intelligence to judgement.
But, I've become a big fan of this year's Miss World pagent. It was scheduled to be held in Nigeria. Nigeria has large populations of both Christians and Muslims. Nigerian Christians call Islam, "the hard religion" for it intolerance. And lately, Muslims have been rampaging through Nigerian slaughtering Christians.
Much of his has gone unnoticed by the world. Nigeria doesn't hold the western world's interest as Israel does. But lately, the world has been forced to look at Nigeria because the Miss World beauty pagent was to be held there until Muslims went on another orgy of slaughter.
Supposedly, the latest Chrystalnacht was provoked by a column in a newspaper. Muslims had been complaining about the pagent as offensive to Islam. A newspaper columnist suggested that the prophet Mohammed not only would have approved of the pagent, but would have chosen one of the contestants for his harem.
This infuriated Muslims who destroyed the newspaper's building. Their bloodlust unsatisfied, they attacked people who were standing outside the hall where the pagent was to be held. The predictable carnage quickly passed 100 with many of the victims being "necklaced." To be necklaced is to have an automobile tire placed around one's neck. The tire is filled with gasoline and set afire. The victim has his head roasted.
Anyway, enough from me. Read Andrew Sullivan's unsurpassable prose on the events.


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