Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Brazilles' advice to Democrats - Suck Up to Al Sharpton

Now this is almost too good to be true. Donna Brazile, Al Gore's 2000 campaign manager is advising 2004 Democratic candidates to make nice with Al Sharpton as a way to re-connect with black voters. She notes that Democratic registration among blacks is down sharply since 2000 with ever more self identifying themselves as independents or Republicans. The solution, according to Brazile, is to swing left.
Hah! I love it! First of all, blacks are leaving the Democratic Party because they recognize that Sharpton-like politics no longer serves them and because they have outgrown such racialist paternalism. Secondly, embracing Sharptonism will alienate more whites, Jews and Hispanics.
Go for boys!


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