Now, If Only End the Would Join In
The French have suddenly changed their minds about sanctions. When the US suggested that sanctions on the no longer existing regime of Saddam Hussein be lifted, France, Russia and all the usual suspects disagreed, saying the the inspectors had to finish their work. Ha ha! That's a good one.
The Russian ambassador to the UN, Sergei Lavrov, uttered this delicious irony: "we are not at all opposing lifting of sanctions - what we are insisting on is that Security Council resolutions must be implemented".
Suddenly the French are agreeing with us. Why might that be? Could it be these articles in the New York Times, exposing French, German and Russsia corruption and duplicity?
Now, if only End the would join in. For years this clot of frauds has been demanding that we end sanctions on Iraq. Now that Iraq is free, they're against lifting sanctions. Go figure.
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