Saturday, April 05, 2003

Oh Damn!

R.W. Johnny "Quagmire" Apple is having a bad day (registration required). That means the United States has had a good day. Apple has been chanting quagmire since the first shot was fired. But dammit! We're operating at will in Baghdad. And so Johnny Boy is lamenting, "Dash to Baghdad Leaves Debate in Dust."
All those carping complainers that the Times had recruited to tell us what an ignorant, naive moron George Bush was, it turns out that GW has been proved right again. We're in Baghdad.
"By any standard," former Defense Clinton Administration Secretary William S. Cohen said Friday night, "it is a remarkable military achievement."
Apple coudn't keep a little petulance out of his article: "Just days ago," Mr. Fleischer complained (meaning Apple and his ilk), "people were saying we were bogged down, and now they're saying, `Describe for us and give us the names of the government that's going to be running Iraq in the future.' We're still in the middle of war."
Now, is Mr. Fleischer really complaining, or his he just making an observation? By using the word "comlaining," he is trying to paint Fleischer as a whiner.
But, Apple is the whiner. It's a bad day for the Times.
May he have many more.


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