Friday, April 04, 2003

This is Very Bad News

Michael Kelly, one of the freshest writers in print has been killed in Iraq. Michael Kelly has always been one of the best, but he really gained prominence when he was fired by The New Republic for not paying sufficient repect to Al Gore. He was hired to replace Andrew Sullivan as editor of TNR after Sullivan resigned for health reason. Kelly immediately made corruption busting a high priority and the Clinton White House was to inviting a target for him to refuse.
Al Gore is one of TNR -owner and publisher Martin Peretz's best friends and Kelly crusading journalism did not sit well. Kelly was fired. He went on to write syndicated columns and edit the Atlantic Monthly, but his passion was in great causes and the Iraqi war (which he advocated for years) was too much for him to decline.
Now he is dead. I don't normally get all gushy when reporters die. Better them than soldiers I usually think. But, the world (minus the left) will miss Michael Kelly.


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