Monday, June 23, 2003

America's Heading Down the Tubes Again

America's Heading Down the Tubes Again
I can remember back in the late 1970's, a Scientific American article arguing that America's ascendancy was a consequence of a coincidence of several unique historical events (such as World War II) and mineral riches. Further, the article predicted that the influence of those historical events was declining and that America would soon be in decline.
Prominent politicians of the age agreed. Jimmy Carter stated that America would have to adjust to lowered expectations, a sentiment echoe by his primary rival within the Democratic Party, California Governor Jerry Brown. I have no doubt that, if America had not exercised the good sense to send Carter Back to Georgia and keep Brown bottled up in California, we would have continued our descent into Europeanism.
Now, the doomsayers are back. But I will predict that they'll be just as wrong this time as they were last time. As long a America has the good sense to keep Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich and all other like-minded nitwits out of the Oval Office.
America can only stop itself. Nobody else can stand in our way.


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