Friday, June 13, 2003

Environmentalism Kills

Environmentalism Kills

The European Union's irrational prejudice against genetically modified crops is now killing Africans. Europe's campaign against United States food exports has essentially forced starving nations to decline free food offered them by the United States.

"They basically are saying it is better a million people starve to death than eat perfectly nutritious genetically modified food from the U.S. where people have been eating it for 10 years without negative effect," said Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore. Moore has since broken with Greenpeace.

Other nations have also rejected GM food. Thai government officials refused to accept "golden rice," which has been cross-pollinated with daffodils to add pro-Vitamin A to Asian diets, helping to prevent blindness in children. Rice is a major staple of the Thai diet but detractors say golden rice seed, made by British and German companies for export, has not been proven beneficial.

Moore said no science backs up claims that genetically modified foods can cause disease, and said scare tactics are inexcusable.

"They refuse the corn because of scare tactics by environmentalists. They say it's poisoned and contaminated, that's the way GM is described in the developing world," Moore said.


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