Friday, June 20, 2003

Whiteness Studies

Whiteness Studies

I have often said that any college or university that has a Women's Studies department cannot legitimately claim to be short of operating funds. Every year my alma mater calls me pleading poverty and asking for a donation. I always ask if it still has a Women's Studies department. The answer is always yest. So, I reply that UC Davis already has more money than it nees. When a university spends the money it has so frivolously, how can it say that it needs even more?

I would add "Whiteness Studies" to that list.

To give you an sense of the paucity of scholarship that goes into this politically correct drivel, consider Arlene Avakian's thesis that Thomas Jefferson invented racism.

To prove it, she dredges up this quote from Jefferson's writings: “I advance it, as a suspicion only, that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race, or made distinct by time and circumstances, are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind.”

By the way, Avakian doesn't just teach Whiteness Studies, she is the chair of the University of Massachussetts' Women’s Studies department, proving that idiocy liberates one to be ignorant in as many of these politically correct academic disciplines as you want.

“Jefferson believed in majority rule, but what majority was he in?” said historian James O. Horton of George Washington University. “He wasn’t in the majority in terms of gender. He wasn’t in the majority in terms of class. The only majority he was in was race.”
These idiots are so blind that they cannot comprehend that Jefferson was referring to a majority of opinion.

This is where your tuition money is going mom and dad.


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