Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing
The very fact that it took two months for anybody to get very bothered by the supposed leak by the White House regarding Joseph Wilson's wife being a CIA employee was informative itself. Apparently, this was not a big deal. But, a blood hungry media has decided to make something out of nothing.
Apparently, it wasn't much a secret that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. Clifford May knew it and considered it common knowlege.
Bob Novak contests the assumption that "senior Whitehouse Officials" gave him the information. He even checked with the CIA who did not seem terribly bothered that he might publish her name.
But, so eager is the media to create a scandal that they even treat as credible, Wilson's unsubstantiated charge that Karl Rove was the source.
At some point, it would be nice if the press gave some attention to Wilson's own description of his investigation as, "eight days drinking sweet mint tea and meeting with dozens of people" at the U.S. embassy in Niger. Based on those conversations, he concluded that "it was highly doubtful that any [sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq] had ever taken place."
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