Josh Marshall Proves Our Point
Josh Marshall Proves Our Point
In recent months, Democratic presidential candidates and other critics of the administration have accuse George W. Bush of lying about Iraq being an "imminent threat." But the truth is that nobody in the Bush Administration ever said that Iraq posed an imminent threat. In fact, in his State of the Union Address, Bush specifically said that the threat was not imminent, and that we could not afford to wait until the threat was imminent.
Nevertheless, the big lie continues. So, left-wing columnist Josh, who himself has repeated this lie, but could not find any actual instance of the administration citing an imminent threat asks his readers to find what he could not, an occasio of anyone, anywhere, at anytime citing Iraq as an imminent threat. His readers did not better than he did, but he does his best twist actual words into what he wishes were the case. It actually sort of funny in a shrill, pathetic sort of way.
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