Sunday, December 28, 2003

Even CNN is Giving Dean a Second Look

Even CNN is Giving Dean a Second Look

With CNN beginning to issue anti-Dean warnings, only NPR among the Leftist establishment remains steadfast in its support of the former Vermont governor and presumptive Democrat presidential nominee.

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic presidential contender Howard Dean has demanded release of secret deliberations of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force.

But as Vermont governor, Dean had an energy task force that met in secret and angered state lawmakers.

Dean's group held one public hearing and after-the-fact volunteered the names of industry executives and liberal advocates it consulted in private, but the Vermont governor refused to open the task force's closed-door deliberations.

In 1999, Dean offered the same argument the Bush administration uses today for keeping deliberations of a policy task force secret."

It's likely that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and CNN all like Dean, otherwise they'd have been on the case earlier. But, they recognize his vulnerability and know that the Bush campaign is just keeping a bibliography of Deanisms to use against him in the general election. And, they probably see a catatrophic Dean defeat as consigning the Democrats to the role of fringe minority status for a generation.


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