Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Bloody Red Meat Always Attracts Predators

Bloody Red Meat Always Attracts Predators

I saw and heard my first Howard Dean speech last night and I have to disagree with Mark Steyn. Steyn describes Dean as a sane man trying to act crazy. Nope, he was too convincing. He really is crazy.

Aside from the fact that he can remember the names of more states than Ted Kennedy, the one thing that was clear from his speech was that Howard Dean really is a hot head. He's not faking it.

And, like all good hot heads, he finds others to blame for his failings. Most observers opined that Howard Dean's fall from grace had to do with his propensity for saying really stupid things in front of television cameras. But that's not how Howard Dean sees it. It was all the attacks launched against him because he was the front runner. Perhaps, but what I recall of those attacks was that his rivals simply reminded people of Howard Dean's own words. He essential wrote and sometimes taped his opponents' negative ads.


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