Thursday, January 15, 2004

Careless Clark: Unprepared, Unprincipled or Both?

Careless Clark: Unprepared, Unprincipled or Both?

Gee, this running for president stuff is harder than Wesley Clark thought.

The Washington Post chronicles just a few of Wesley Clark's flubs.

"Shortly after the new year, Wesley K. Clark told the editorial board at a local newspaper here that no terrorist attacks would occur in the United States if he is elected president. The next day, the retired Army commander scaled back his promise. "Nobody can guarantee anything in life," he said."

"Then there was the issue of abortion. Asked whether he would nominate an antiabortion judge to the Supreme Court, Clark told a local reporter here that he did not have "litmus tests." Then he called the reporter back to say he would not make such an appointment."

Former Al Gore stooge, Chris Lehane excuses Clark's gaffes thusly, "He's not giving poll-tested, antiseptic answers. The public gets the idea that he's a straight talker."

A straight talker who can't get his thought straight?


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