Charles Krauthammer is Mourning the Demise of Dean Too
Charles Krauthammer is Mourning the Demise of Dean Too
Turns out I'm not the only Republican despairing over Howard Dean premature self imolation. Charles Krauthammer was hoping he'd be the nominee too.
"Dean as Democratic nominee promised not just happiness, but glory: a Republican landslide of biblical proportions. Big majority in the House. And so many coattailled new senators that Bush could have begun repopulating the Supreme Court with 42-year-old conservatives (like Miguel Estrada) who would serve forever.
The future looked so bright, and now it is so clouded. Why, even the White House could not bring itself to give up the Dean dream. The president's State of the Union address contained not one but two zings at Dean, although by the time the speech was delivered, Dean was no longer even a likely Democratic nominee. Bush said first that we are safer with Saddam caught, then added, to sustained applause, that America would never ask others (i.e. the United Nations) for permission to defend itself."
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