Thursday, February 19, 2004

Free Speech For Me, But Not For Thee

Free Speech For Me, But Not For Thee

Every since the McCain-Finegold campaign finance reform passed, Democrats have been forming all manner of shadow organization to subvert the law's intent. So-called 527 organizations have raised many millions of dollars from Democratic fat cats forbidden from donating directly to the party. These organization serve as a stealth Democratic Party and planned to spend hundreds of millions to defeat President Bush.

Now, the Federal Election Committee has decided that these organizations are subject to limitations as well. If they are going to attack a federal candidate, then their fundraising must be treated as hard money. So, George Soros can only give $2000, instead of $20 million. That should stick in George's craw.

I loath McCain-Finegold, but if we're going to have a law limiting free speech, then it must apply equally. And those who piously pushed the law shouldn't have to be reminded to obey it.


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