Thursday, February 19, 2004

Not Everybody's into Atkins

Not Everybody's into Atkins

Some people are actually encourging obesity.

"Marilyn Wann, 5-feet-5, 270 pounds and darn proud of it, scanned the ad and fumed: How dare they imply that fat people are not proud, or that dignity is reserved for the thin? Wann threw down the newspaper. Then she smiled and began to e-mail her friends.

At the hospital's weight-loss surgery workshop in October, Wann and a handful of others blended into the crowd, most of them at least 100 pounds heavier than doctors say they should be. They listened to the surgeons — then Wann blew a whistle.

The infiltrators jumped up, whipped off their clothes and, clad only in bathing suits (Wann in a pink two-piece), danced through the stunned audience with the words "Fat+Pride" and "Fat+Dignity" marked on their stomachs."

It just proves that everybody wants to be considered normal. But some want to achieve it by lowering the standards of normal so they don't have to make any sacrifices to get there.


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