Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Oops, I Really Didn't Mean That

Oops, I Really Didn't Mean That

It wasn't so long ago that the Washington Post disparaged everyone who opposed McCain-Finegold campaign finance reform. We needed to clean up politics by getting the big money out of it.

Of course, as soon as McCain-Finegold passed, both parties began creating back doors to keep the money flowing. Democrats have been particularly aggressive in this strategy. And suddenly, the Washington Post thinks that big money is okay again.

"THE FEDERAL Election Commission is scheduled today to take up one of the most controversial issues in campaign finance regulation: what rules govern a new breed of political committees that involve themselves in federal elections but say they are free, unlike political parties and candidate committees, to take unlimited funds from any source. The activities of these groups are of concern, and they bear watching in 2004 and beyond. But for now, as a matter of both law and policy, the FEC should refrain from subjecting them to the same rules that cover ordinary political committees."

Why the sudden change? Well, if you read the whole editorial it's because these backdoors assist Democrats more than Republicans.

Give the Post credit though. The New York Times, CNN, etc. have not even reported on this issue, recognizing what a bad light it shines on Democratic Party hypocrisy.


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