Sometimes, Republicans Just Don't Have The Balls
Sometimes, Republicans Just Don't Have The Balls
When Democrats illegally tapped a phone conversation among Republican House leadership, they took it straight to the New York Time, the contents of the call became the central focus and all Democrats involved got off unscathed and some were treated as heros.
When Republicans catch Democrats engaging in the most loathsome political activities, Republicans go after the guy who caught the Democrats, and what the Democrats were up to is forgotten.
"Nearly a year ago on Feb. 27, 2003, I reported in this column that Ted Kennedy had devised a "grand design" to keep Bush from taking over the federal judiciary. I attributed direct quotes about his filibuster scheme to "internal sources," and Senate Judiciary Committee Democratic staffers recognized language from their own e-mails. The Wall Street Journal last November published parts of 15 such messages, which later were posted on a Web site.
The messages expose the symbiotic relationship between senior Democratic senators and left-wing pressure groups, even plots to coordinate confirmation hearings with pending court procedure. Republicans had a smoking gun, evidence that Democrats have politicized the Constitution's "advise and consent" clause."
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