Saturday, February 14, 2004

What About Global Crossing, or Loral?

What About Global Crossing, or Loral?

Just as Brent Bozell pointed out above, the press treat similar issues very differently depending upon how it affects Democrats or Republicans. The New York Times says (and therefore plans to make it happen) that Hallliburton will be a campaign issue. So, why wasn't Loral a campaign issue. Loral cleary bribed Bill Clinton to change export laws so that a Justice Department investigation into missile technology transfer to China would be scuttled.

"WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 — As the accusations and investigations of the Halliburton Company's federal contracts in Iraq expand in size and number, Democrats say they will use the company's ties to the Bush administration as a campaign issue, and Halliburton is responding with television advertisements implying that it is being unfairly singled out.

"We are serving our troops because of what we know, not who we know," declares the 30-second spot, which is running in Washington, Houston and several other cities."


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