Sunday, March 14, 2004

David Broder Thinks He Has Found a Courageous Democrat

David Broder believes that he has found something rare - a courageous Democrat. It's telling that when a Democrat exhibits the faintest scintilla of political courage, David Broder feels compelled to highlight it. But, when you read the column, you quickly realize that David Broder has low expectations for his party.

Barney Frank blames all the same things that every other left wing wacko blames the jobless recovery on and cites all the (wrong) cliches. Then, he offers his "bold solution" - more government!

Oh! How original! No Democrat has ever thought of that before.

But David Broder is impressed: "By doing so, he carried the jobs debate to a level where the policy choices become so basic -- and challenging -- that ordinary pols and pundits fear to tread."

I'm sure Republicans are quaking in their boots after this show of bravery from the other side of the aisle.


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