Why The Post Is Sinking Into Irrelevence
There has been a lot of news worthy of printing that hasn't made it into the New York Times lately. A big, big story has been the United Nations Oil For Food scandal and the bribery of France and Russia.
You won't find this news in the Times for example. "Now we know why the French and Russians were so insistent. Iraqi government documents (leaked to the Baghdad newspaper Al Mada) list at least 270 individuals and entities who got vouchers allowing them to sell Iraqi oil - and to keep much of the money. These vouchers, and the promise of instant great wealth they carried with them, bought vital support in the United Nations to let Saddam stay in power."
The Times is reluctant to print it because such news would undermine their assertion that all the nations and organizations that opposed our war in Iraq were not smarter than we were, but rather were paid off by Saddam.
If you want to learn about this and other bits of information that contradict the Times' world view, you'll have to buy another paper.
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