Monday, June 21, 2004

Force Feeding Peace

Elite opinion sniffs that the idea that the United States should impose its will on the world. What moral right do we have to declare altenative systems, like communism, inferior to democracy and capitalism?

Well, history informs us that we not have the right, but the responsibility to do so.

Anyone who dislikes U.S. hegemony should bear in mind that, instead of a multipolar world of competing great powers, a world with no hegemon at all may be the real alternative to it. This could turn out to mean a new Dark Age of waning empires and religious fanaticism; of endemic rapine in the world's no-go zones; of economic stagnation and a retreat by civilization into a few fortified enclaves.

Kerryism would not yield peace, but turmoil. The world is relatively peaceful because we insist upon it.


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