Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Inadvertantly Stuffed Into His Socks

The media has started its intellectual yoga exercises trying to excuse Sandy Berger's theft of highly classified documents critical of the Clinton administration's indifference to terrorism. Working from the Democratic cue sheet, the media suddenly reversed course, ignoring the deed and focusing instead upon the motivations for the leak.

Many Democrats, including former President Clinton (news - web sites) himself, suggested that politics were behind disclosure of the probe only days before Thursday's scheduled release of the Sept. 11 commission report. That report is expected to be highly critical of the government's response to the growing al-Qaida threat, a potential blow to President Bush (news - web sites)'s re-election campaign.

"It's interesting timing," Clinton said at a Denver autograph session for his book, "My Life." Berger served as national security adviser for all of Clinton's second term.

I'd like to know why Sandy Berger was kept on Kerry's payroll nine months after Berger's crime was discovered.

And we all know what would happen to any Republican who did what Berger did.


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