A Time To Look Back?
We've been performing experiments on children for about two decades now and it might be time to check the results.
It used to be that same sex partnerships were considered an unsuitable environment for a child. Enlightenment changed all that, and it is now common to have children raised by a homosexual parent and his or her partner.
Without a shred of data to back them up, liberals pronounced that children raised in such homes would suffer no harm, if only we knuckle dragging barbarians would accept them.
So far, there is nothing but anecdote to support both sides. The media chooses anecdotes that support their liberal view. Here's an anecdote that doesn't.
What was it like for Cassidy being raised by two women she called "Mom" and "My Pat"?
"When growing up, I always had the feeling of being something unnatural," Cassidy says. "I came out of an unnatural relationship; it was something like I shouldn't be there. On a daily basis, it was something I was conflicted with. I used to wish, honestly that Pat wasn't there."
Why does she oppose same-sex marriage? "It's not something that a seal of approval should be stamped on: We shouldn't say it is a great and wonderful thing and then you have all these kids who later in life will turn around and realize they've been cheated. The adults choose to have that lifestyle and then have a kid. They are fulfilling their emotional needs -- they want to have a child -- and they are not taking into account how that's going to feel to the child; there's a clear difference between having same-sex parents and a mom and a dad."
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