John Kerry Peacemaker?
John Kerry says that he's going to reestablish peace with America's natural allies in te world. Can anybody find any trace of that capacity in Kerry's dealings with his fellow veterans?
One reason Kerry can't make peace with John O'Neill is his moral vanity.
Liberals for years have argued that the ideas, policies and beliefs of their opposition were, whatever else, morally wanting. The basis for this claim was their domestic achievements inside government during the 1960s and--the twin pillar--their opposition in the streets to the Vietnam war. Both live on, and are used today, as the triumph of simple public morality over the soulless details of public policy. No challenge is ever permitted to either claim. Tax policy, for instance, is now argued almost wholly in terms of moral fairness. Judicial nominees are opposed as threats to some presumed moral consensus on rights and justice.
If John Kerry loses this election over Vietnam, and he just may, one of the pillars that has propped up the Democratic church for more than 30 years will crack.
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