Monday, August 23, 2004

Stem Cell Bullshit

If only George W. Bush were not so resrictive on stem cell research, then Ronald Reagan would be alive today. Or so goes the story. Nevermind that Democrats are glad he's dead and only regret that he hadn't been aborted in the womb. Reagan has become a symbol for the Democrats, so much so that they had his unintelligably inarticulate son speak at their convention.

But, to the best of my knowledge, Bush can only influence stem cell research in this country and can only restrict federal funding. If stem cells could do what liberals claim, then wouldn't the French or the Germans, or the big drug companies have done something?

Overlooking all this, the Washington Post has published another dreary column promoting embryonic stem cell research, ridiculing the notion that a "clump of cells" deserves consideration as a human being.

You know, Joseph Mengele generated a great body of potentially useful body scientific information by conducting experiments on Jews in concentration camps. But, the scientific community decided that the information was soiled by the method of its discovery and chose to bury it. If only we were as principled today.


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