Sunday, October 24, 2004

Why Kill A Tree For This?

Guess what? The Washington Post joins the New York Times in endorsing John Kerry for president.

Can anybody recall the last time that either endorsed a Republican?

What's notable about this endorsement is its obvious reluctance.

"We have been dismayed most of all by Mr. Kerry's zigzags on Iraq, such as his swervings on whether Saddam Hussein presented a threat."

Nevertheless, the Post believes Kerry when he says that he'll prosecute the war on terror vigorously, and ignores it when Kerry doesn't even seem to notice that we are at war.

"Mr. Kerry, like Mr. Bush, offers no plan to cope with retirement and health costs..."

Kerry has a plan for everything, but won't tell anyone what his plans are. Maybe if he were like, you know, a senator or something over the last 20 years, he might have introduced legislation including his secret solutions.

Overall, it's clear that the Post, like most of Kerry's potential voters, are not particulary enthusiastic about Kerry, so much as they are determined to get Bush out of the Whitehouse.


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