Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Would Kerry Buy Guns For Poor People?

Terrence Jeffrey asks that very fair, ideologically consitent question.

Sarah Degenhart's question was simple, straightforward and had absolutely nothing to do with Sen. John Kerry's long-ago service as an altar boy.

"Senator Kerry," she asked in the town-hall debate, "suppose you are speaking with a voter who believed abortion is murder and the voter asked for reassurance that his or her tax dollars would not go to support abortion, what would you say to that person?"

Kerry's response, "[B]ut you have to afford people their constitutional rights. And that means . . . making certain that you don't deny a poor person the right to be able to have whatever the constitution affords them if they can't afford it otherwise."

Well, if Kerry can find a right to an abortion in the Constitution, he should have less difficulty finding the Second Amendment. Would he subsidize excercising that right too?


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