Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Is There A Mystery Voter Living In Your House

Stephan Sharkansky is building an online database of registered Washington voters. This should help us start rooting out Democratic vote fraud (really, is there any other kind?).
One person who checked discovered that a complete stranger was supposed living unnoticed in his house.

"One reader discovered by using the database that a complete stranger is registered at his house. The stranger's name does not even match the name of the couple who previously owned the house and lived there from 1990 to 2002."

And, if you think it was funny that Mary Poppins was registered to vote in Ohio, just remember, "Lovejuice" is a registered King County, Washington voter.

How much would you be willing to bet that old Lovejuice is a registered Democrat? I do know that Chelsea Lovejuice voted absentee, a favorite device for fraudulent voters everywhere.


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