Thursday, January 06, 2005

Now This Is Stingy

Arab oil states are floating in money. But, they can't seem to find any for their fellow muslims in Indonesia.

Saudi Arabia's ruling royal family, stung by criticism of the kingdom's relatively low aid commitments to tsunami-stricken nations, has ordered a telethon on state-controlled television today to raise money for the victims.
Phone numbers will be provided on-screen, in what looks like an effort to counter the impression that oil-rich Arab states throughout the Persian Gulf have been parsimonious about this tragedy, despite its terrible effects on the world's most populous Muslim nation, Indonesia.

Of course, their imams have given them cover: "One factor holding back donations appears to be a widespread belief that vacationers were swept away as a form of divine retribution for their un-Islamic or immoral lifestyles. That argument was heard in televised Friday prayers across the Arab world.
"We know that at these resorts, which unfortunately exist in Islamic and other countries in South Asia, and especially at Christmas, fornication and sexual perversion of all kinds are rampant," one cleric, Sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan, was quoted as saying. "The fact that it happened at this particular time is a sign from Allah."

Considering the squalor that most Islamic nations exist in, they must have really pissed off Allah pretty badly to earn centuries of punishment.

When we give money, we are accused of either not giving enough, or if we do give enough, of trying to "buy" the goodwill of muslims.


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