Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Katie Couric Can Relax

So can Mary Tyler Moore. Apparently, lobsters do not feel any pain when tossed into the pot alive.

Lobster biologists in Maine have maintained for years that the lobster’s primitive nervous system and underdeveloped brain are similar to that of an insect. While lobsters react to different stimuli, such as boiling water, the reactions are escape mechanisms, not a conscious response or an indication of pain, they say.

“It’s a semantic thing: No brain, no pain,” said Mike Loughlin, who studied the matter when he was a University of Maine graduate student and is now a biologist at the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission

Needless to say, without the slightest scientific evidence to back them up, PETA disagrees.

“This is exactly like the tobacco industry claiming that smoking doesn’t cause cancer,” PETA spokesman Karin Robertson said.

My, how original. What typically deep thinking from the left.

Well, I say, if we can send a man to the moon, then we can boil lobster painlessly.


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