Saturday, February 26, 2005

Like Putting Silk Stockings On A Pig

Kofi Annan is trying to kiss up to the United States. Forced to confess that the UN is corrupt, he's trying to make a few book keeping changes that he thinks will make the United States happy.

He's missing the point. The problem with the UN isn't just that it's monetarily corrupt - it's morally corrupt. This is an organization that has placed communist China, Cuba, and Zimbabwe on human right commission and once kicked the United States off its human rights commission to make room for Sudan. Yes, that Sudan, the one that is now committing genocide.

And speaking of Sudanese genocide, the UN excused itself from having to do anything about genocide in the Sudan by saying that it wasn't actually genocide, just some sort of unfortunate misbehavior.

The UN doesn't need new book keepers. It needs to go. And it should be replaced by a coaltion of civilized democratic nations that are willing to defend democracy and civilations against the barbarian hoards.


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