Monday, February 07, 2005

The Religion Of Hate

Even our "allies," the Saudis issue a fountain of anti-Western, anti-Christian hatred.

+ “Whoever believes that churches are houses of God . . . or that what Jews and Christians do constitutes the worship of God . . . is an infidel.”

+ To offer greetings to a Christian at Christmas -- even to wish "Happy holidays" -- is "a practice more loathsome to God . . . than imbibing liquor, or murder, or fornication."

+ Jews "are worse than donkeys." They are the corrupting force "behind materialism, bestiality, the destruction of the family, and the dissolution of society.

+ Muslims who convert to another religion "should be killed because [they] have denied the Koran."

+ Democracy is "responsible for all the horrible wars" of the 20th century, and for spreading "ignorance, moral decadence, and drugs."

But there may be hope in that regions. New Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has ordered that Palestinian televion turn down the anti-Israeli rhetoric.

Newly elected President Mahmoud Abbas has ordered Palestinian television to cleanse its screens of bloody imagery to conform with a new mood of conciliation in the region.
Eulogies to suicide bombers, or "martyrs" as they were known, have given way to "feel-good" nature programs and romantic films. Instead of referring to "martyr operations," suicide bombings are described more neutrally as "explosions."


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