Sunday, June 05, 2005

Religion of Peace Update

New Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, who was supposed to bring change after the barbaric Yasir Arafat snuffed it, has authorized the execution of 50 of his countrymen for supposedly "collaborating" with Israel.

"Three months ago, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) authorized the execution of the 50, who had been convicted of aiding Israeli security forces. Shortly thereafter, the head of the PA military tribunals, Saib al-Kidwa, said that 15 of the convicted men would be executed in the following weeks, after their sentences had been vetted by the senior religious authority in the PA, Sheikh Akrima Sabri.

At that point, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's advisor Dov Weissglas approached various PA officials, including PA Prisoner Affairs Minister Sufyan Abu Zaydeh and the chief of PLO negotiations. Livni and Weissglas said Israel would not accept executions for collaboration, whether or not the condemned actually worked with Israel."


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