Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Clearly, The Press (Democrats) Fear The Pushback

Now that the Bush Administration has finally started fighting back against Democratic revisionism and the outright falsehoods that comprise the entire Democratic Party's "Bush lied us into war" meme" the press is very concerned - about the Bush Administration.

President Bush's efforts to paint Democrats as hypocrites for criticizing the Iraq war after they once warned that Saddam Hussein was a grave threat could backfire on Republicans.

Polls show marked declines in support for the war, notably among moderate Republicans, especially Republican women, and independents — voting blocs that the GOP needs to woo or keep in their camp.

If Bush castigates Democrats for changing their minds on the war, he might wind up alienating Republicans who have done so, too.

The administration has been engaging in a rhetorical high-wire act in its efforts to defend its use of prewar intelligence — so much that some analysts have likened it to President Clinton's remark in his deposition on the Monica Lewinsky case: "That depends on what the definition of 'is' is."

How touching. After repeating and even amplifying Democrat lies, the press is worried about how this might play in America. The fact is that, the only way to reverse the decline in public support is to remind people why we went to war in the first place and make sure that the American people understand the consequences of failure.


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