Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Nation of Kooks?

Last night, Tucker Carlson made a dreadful mistake and had a conspiracy theorist on his show. This moonbat's thesis is that the World Trade Center Twin Towers were brought down by the US government.

The guy was crazy, but since then Tucker Carlson has been deluged with e-mails from people who agree with the moonbat.

[H]e seemed to connect with a huge number of viewers. Some who e-mailed were offended that Jones would dare question the official version of 9-11. Some were confused by what he was trying to say. But the overwhelming majority wrote to thank me for my "courage" in putting him on, and to complain that we didn't give him more time to explain the conspiracy.

In other words, a lot of people seem to think it's possible that the U.S. government had a hand in bringing down the World Trade Center buildings.

Ponder that for a second: The U.S. government killed more than 3,000 of its own citizens. For no obvious reason. Then lied about it. Then invaded two other countries, killing thousands of their citizens as punishment for a crime they didn't commit.

Who are these nuts? Of course we know they're out there., the Democratic Underground and the Daily Kos frequently give vent to those who think similarly lunatic thoughts, like it was Israel in collusion with the US government. But, do the people who post there watch Tucker Carlson?

It makes me nervous when I walk down the street to think that the next person I pass might be one of these nuts.


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