Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Voices In The Wilderness

I have only heard from two Democrats who seem to have the faintest glimmer of understanding of the stakes involved in Iraq or the consequences of surrender. One is Joe Lieberman, who lays it all out today in a cogent, non-hysterical, and therefore incomprehensible (to most Democrats) piece in today's Wall Street Journal.

"It is a war between 27 million and 10,000; 27 million Iraqis who want to live lives of freedom, opportunity and prosperity and roughly 10,000 terrorists who are either Saddam revanchists, Iraqi Islamic extremists or al Qaeda foreign fighters who know their wretched causes will be set back if Iraq becomes free and modern."

Who's the other Democrat? Curiously, it's Hillary Clinton. Winning this war is so important that I would vote for her over a dovish Republican.


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