Thursday, December 15, 2005

Is It Possible That He's Just A Raving, Hate-Filled Lunatic?

Thank God for analysts. They've certainly set my mind at ease. These analysts say that Iranian "President" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is just putting on a carefully calculated show when he says that he wanted Israel wiped off the map and the Jews, if not exterminated, at least relocatd to Alaska.

But while some analysts put his remarks down to excessive zeal, inexperience and an inability to distinguish between domestic and international audiences, others say his repeated verbal attacks were clearly planned.

“These comments are not being made by accident,” said Tehran-based political analyst Mahmoud Alinejad. “This is something he has deliberated and thought out.”

“He is pursuing it (the anti-Israel line) because he doesn’t really have any choice internally. Otherwise he will be sidelined,” said Alinejad. “It’s very hard, even for people like Rafsanjani, to adopt a more moderate stance.”

I suppose that also explains why he claims that Allah bathed him in light during his recent United Nations rant and I'm sure it was the same careful calculation that led him to claim that the General Assembly was so rapt that no one in the audience blinked during his speech.


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