Opinion Intimidation
Brokeback Mountain was destined to win awards regardless of the film's quality because its subject matter qualifies it as courageous.
Everybody who has written a favorable review or given it an award has congratulated themselves on their own courage.
But, doesn't courage require doing something risky? What could possibly be risky about going with the politically correct flow?
Gene Shalit has the audacity recently to deliver a negative review of the the movie and now the forces of political correctness are aiming their venemous worst in his direction.
The group claimed that Shalit's statements, delivered during his "Critic's Choice" segment on Thursday's Today show, promoted "defamatory anti-gay prejudice to a national audience," and criticized NBC News for providing the eccentric critic with a platform from which to air his views.
"Shalit's bizarre characterization of Jack as a 'predator' and Ennis as a victim reflects a fundamental lack of understanding about the central relationship in the film and about gay relationships in general," GLAAD said in a statement. "It seems highly doubtful that Shalit would similarly claim that Titanic's Jack was a 'sexual predator' because he was pursuing a romantic relationship with Rose"
I won't be giving this movie my own review. I don't go to movie to show my courage or to have my consciousness elevated. I pay my money to be entertained.
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