Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tutu's Booboo

Proving that the Nobel Peace prize only goes to fools and despots (Jimmy Carter, Yasir Arafat) Desmond Tutu proves that he won his through his sterling credentials as a fool.

"What has happened and the aftermath has been seen as a symptom of a more serious disease,'' said Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner. ''Had relationships been different, one, the cartoons might not have happened, or if they had, they probably would have been handled differently."
Tutu noted that freedom of expression also came with some obligations.

''Imagine if the subject had been the Holocaust and it had been treated in a way that the Jews had deemed offensive and the reaction of the Danish government and international community had been as it is now,'' he said.

Actually, we don't have to imagine. It happens all the time - and nobody burns down embassies or beheads anyone.


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