Friday, June 16, 2006

Coulter Gives Democrats the Vapors

So, after six years of listening to liberals call George Bush a liar, a racist, miserable failure, a draft dodger and a war profiteer, the mainstream media has finally had enough of incivility in our public discourse. Of course, it has nothing to do with effluvia from the mouths of Al Gore, Harry Reid, Tom Daschle or Howard Dean. No, the problem is Ann Coulter.
In her most recent book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," Ms. Coulter took on the Democratic Party and mainstream media tactic of exploiting women in mourning by recruiting, "only messengers whom we're not allowed to reply to. That's why all Democratic spokesmen these days are sobbing, hysterical women. You can't respond to them because that would be questioning the authenticity of their suffering."
At once a tempest of sniffery erupted as the media recoiled from such harsh language. Suddenly the media find such oratory offensive. The Democratic Party was left weak-kneed by a sudden attack of the vapors. But in truth, Ann Coulter's greatest crime was that she laid bare for all to see and judge the left's standard operating procedure for disseminating its message in a manner that permits it to escape examination or criticism. Unable to address the substance of her assertion, which was unassailably true, the Democrats and their lapdog media have aimed their attacks on her "meanness."
Last summer, the mainstream media chose Cindy Sheehan as their sock puppet through which they could ventriloquize their own opinions as "news." Supposedly, the mainstream media are not allowed to insinuate their personal opinions into news reporting. So, they find and highlight somebody who says what they want heard. Once they discovered a promising example of a "sobbing, hysterical woman," who would make good television, she was cultivated and promoted to advocate the left's position. And of course, no one dares contradict a grieving mother or widow.
For example, if not for Cindy Sheehan's exemption from criticism, could she have gotten away with saying: "Am I emotional? Yes, my first-born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel."
This is only one sample of her frequent anti-Semitic rants that the media edited out of its coverage to preserve her reputation and usefulness.
As regards the 9/11 widows who were chosen to carry the left's banner, surely out of the thousands killed on 9/11 there are at least four widows who want nothing more than for George Bush to wreak a savage revenge upon those who plotted and funded their husbands' murders. But, those widows were rarely, if ever, invited to sit with Katy Couric and pour out their grief on live, coast-to-coast television. They were not asked to give their assessment of 2004 presidential campaign speeches.
The New York Times' queen mother, Maureen Dowd, while writing about Cindy Sheehan, gave the game away last year in one of her columns when she declared, "The moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute."
This moral authority does not seem to extend to those mourning parents who disagree with elite opinion on these matters. These "parents who bury their children" are not even permitted access to the media megaphones in most occasions.
The media are as not as offended by the extravagance or indelicacy of Ann Coulter as they are threatened by her talent for exposing their tactics with such clarity. As shown above, she can squeeze more memorable substance into one sentence than Maureen Dowd has in a career's worth of columns.
For much of the last week or so, leading Democratic politicians and mainstream media types have been kneeling at the feet and kissing the ring of Markos Moulitsas, originator of the Daily Kos, the most visited political blog on the web. In 2004, Moulitsas reacted to the torture, murder, dismemberment and public display of four American contractors in Iraq by writing, "Screw them!"
Aside from a few conservative blogs, his comment was allowed to pass unremarked upon through the national debate, like you-know-what through a goose. No one from the same mainstream media that made heroes of these 9/11 widows ever asked the mothers of these men for their opinion of Markos Moulitsas. That absolute moral authority only goes so far.


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