Friday, March 30, 2007

How To Make Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys Look Good

I’ve gained a new respect for the French. Compared with our own Democratic Party, the French surrender with panache and dignity. This last week the Democratic Congressional leadership, for only about $20 billion worth of earmarked spending, managed to purchase enough votes to schedule a surrender timed to maximize their advantage in next year’s general election. The French at least raise their white flags as a matter of national character and principle. Democrats rent their white flags in exchange for a generous serving of the other white meat.
There is ample evidence that the “surge” strategy is bearing fruit. Violence rates have declined, as have our own casualty rates. Muqtada al-Sadr, the so-called “spiritual leader” of one of Iraq’s most troublesome militias, has fled the country and his ragtag army is either disintegrating or cooperating. In Anbar province, the local sheiks have turned against Al Quaida and are openly allied with the United States. Nevertheless, the Democratic Party has chosen the path of defeat regardless of the facts on the ground and have announced to all the world, and most importantly, to our enemies, that the United States will abandon the fight for its own survival and will stab its allies, western and Arab alike, in the back next spring.
So dramatic were the results of the surge that the New York Times turned itself inside out trying to spin reduced US casualties into bad news. They analyzed casualty data and found that although casualty rates were down overall, the proportion of casualties suffered in Baghdad had actually gone up – meaning, what? I really don’t know, but the Times story was quite ominous and foreboding in tone. Maybe they’re afraid that we might win.
My advice to the New York Times is to follow the example of the rest of the Mainstream Media. When the news if Iraq is good, headline Anna Nicole Smith stories.
Other than humiliating defeat, what is Democrat foreign policy about? Democrats have “chanted no blood for oil” ever since, well, I’m not sure since when. But I do know that it started after the 1980 election. Because in the course of Saint Jimmy Carter’s penultimate State of the Union Address, he specifically and unambiguously warned that he was prepared to shed US blood for oil in the Middle East. But now they’ve taken the position of “no blood for freedom” and “no blood for national security.”
I’ve taken to wondering what principle is so fundamental that Democrats would be willing to send young people into harm’s way. And then, the answer came to me. Democrats will shed blood for the inalienable right to pizza delivery. In fact, this inalienable right was first manifested in Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s hometown of San Francisco in 1996.
In 1996, a series of armed robberies of pizza delivery boys in the Hunter’s Point neighborhood of San Francisco culminated in the murder of one of Domino’s Pizza’s employees. The pizza chain decided that its employees lives were worth more than whatever paltry earnings it was gaining from delivering to that neighborhood and “redlined” the area, refusing to send delivery boys in there.
The Democrat-dominated Board of Supervisors passed a law requiring Domino’s Pizza to deliver to that neighborhood and thereby ordered young men and women to their deaths because no one should be denied his or her right to a pizza.
On at least two other occasions, Bill Clinton’s Justice Department sued pizza stores for redlining crime-ridden neighborhoods in consideration of their employee’s safety. There were similar occasions in which taxicab operators were forced by ordinance or court order to answer calls in neighborhoods where there was a very high probability of armed robbery or murder.
So we know for certain that Democrats are not wholly against sending young people into harm’s way. They’re only against sending volunteers who are willing to defend their nation to meet the enemy and kill him before he arrives on our shores. At least, they will vote that way if their palms are greased with $20 billion in pork barrel spending.
Principle is a commodity to Democrats. Former presidential candidate Tom Vilsack, the former governor of Iowa, sold his endorsement of Hillary Clinton in exchange for Clinton assuming his $400,000 campaign debt.
And to think that I once regarded the French as the earth’s worst cynics.


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