Hillary Flunked The Bar Exam?
Did you know this? Hillary flunked the District of Columbia bar exam after completing law school.
If George W. Bush had gone to law school and later flunked the bar exam, you can imagine that fact would have become a virtual part of his name in the MSM, as in "George Bush, who failed the bar exam, today criticized a law that . . ."
But it came as news to me when Carl Bernstein mentioned on this morning's "Today" that Hillary flunked the Washington, DC bar exam back in the '70s. OK, I'm not the most knowledegable guy, and the fact of Hillary's failure is not news -- after years of hiding the embarrassment, she revealed it, en passant, in her ghostwritten 2003 "autobiography."
Update: Do you think that the mainstream media will report on Hillary's telephone eavesdropping during the 90's?
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